April 2024

Tantrum-Free Zone

Tantrum-Free Zone: How We Handle Meltdowns at Minime Kiddy Daycare

You know the drill. You’re running late, the kids are cranky, and you’re trying to get them out the door to drop them off at daycare so you can race to work. But as soon as you walk in the door, your little one throws themselves on the floor, kicking and screaming. You’re mortified, the […]

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Spring Break

Spring Break Childcare That’s More Than Just Playtime at Minime Kiddy Daycare

You’re feeling that familiar mix of excitement and dread as spring break approaches. The kids are thrilled about their week off from school, but you know it also means a week of juggling work and childcare. Forget about plopping them in front of the TV or tablet all day – you want activities that are

Spring Break Childcare That’s More Than Just Playtime at Minime Kiddy Daycare Read More »

Tantrum Tips for Parents

Tantrum Tips for Parents: Navigating the Storm Workshop at Minime Kiddy Daycare

You pull up to Minime Kiddy Daycare and see your kid has worked themselves into a full-blown tantrum. Uh oh. You feel your stress rising as all eyes turn to you and your screaming child. What do you do? Breathe. You’ve got this. Minime Kiddy Daycare’s latest workshop “Navigating the Storm” is here to equip

Tantrum Tips for Parents: Navigating the Storm Workshop at Minime Kiddy Daycare Read More »